We are a very small charity but with lots of enthusiasm to share our passion for Turn End. We aim to provide an enjoyable and rewarding experience for everything we do.

We are always seeking to develop and improve, so please do get in touch with your feedback and comments. Please email: turnendtrustevents@gmail.com.

Turn End Trust Complaints Procedure - Registered CIO Charity Number: 1162076

The Trust will always try to maintain high standards in all of its activities and responsibilities, but at the same time it recognises that its supporters, volunteers, visitors or members of the public may occasionally feel aggrieved in one way or another. All such grievances or complaints will be taken seriously by the Trust and be treated fairly.

If you do wish to lodge a complaint or discuss your grievance, please in the first instance e-mail us at: turnendtrustevents@gmail.com 

The Trust Secretary (a Trustee) will consider your views and hopefully the matter can be resolved to your satisfaction. However, if this is not achieved, then your complaint will be considered by the Board of Trustees and an agreement will be sought to satisfy both you and the Trust.